Posterini in 203 countries and a Music Concert in Italy with Music by Samuele Marzola

Amazing isn’t it? Posterini has received users from 203 different countries around the world. We are proud to be offering a tool that so many are finding useful,
and we are excited to tell you that we are working on the next version of Posterini which will be more advanced and powerful, much more, taking your creativity and results to the next level.
Let’s review one of the latest posters created by people from around the world. Many people use Posterini to announce and advertise music concerts and events around the world. Today we show you an example created from Italy. It is a poster that announces a concert on saturday 18th of July 2013 at the Bar Camping ‘Al Pescatore’ with music by Samuele Marzola (Serata Anni 70,80,90).
It is a beautiful Poster with a great composition, a title that contrasts nicely against the minimalistic upper background. A middle part that is dominated by a beautiful photo of the concert’s audience with hands up, being illuminated from the back, the light creating delicate contours that generate a beautiful chasing game of lights and shadows.
Below the photo we have the text with all the details and information about the concert. The author of the poster took good care to use Text Shadow in the part of the text that being white is above bright background.Without text shadow it would be very hard to read that part of the message. But with text shadow it works really well.
Notice also the very intelligent use of size to drive the attention of the viewer first to the most important part of the details.
Great composition and creation, congratulations and we wish for this concert to be a great success.